Your old mattress is gone and you have bought a brand new one. You finally found the perfect night of rest that you have been searching for for so long.

You begin to notice the time passing by as you wait for sleep to come.

You move around, looking for a comfortable place.

Are you making a mistake?

Is your bed a dud or a queen?

Perhaps you just need to move into your new mattress.

Many people don’t realize that a new mattress needs to be softened over time. This is similar to new shoes.

This article will help you understand how to make a bed.

Why do you need to buy a new mattress?

Shoes are not the only thing that must be broken in. A period of breaking in is required for automobile engines, jeans, gloves, and mattresses.

Think of it this way: You are used to your old mattress. You are familiar with the worn-out springs and the saggy edges, as well as the frayed materials.

Your body will need to adjust to a solid surface when you lay down.

Your body may not feel the same way on a new bed.

You may find the mattress too firm in the first month.

You will feel completely different after your first week with a new mattress.

These tips will help you speed up the process for breaking in your new mattress.

Tips And Tricks For Getting A New Mattress

Let Your Mattress Breathe

Chances are that your bed was shipped compressed or in a box if you bought it online. Sometimes it may have been tightly wrapped in plastic.

For a few days, the materials may emit an off-gassing odor.It might take some time for your bed to expand if it was transported compressed.

It can take up to ten hours depending on which model you purchased to reach its full size. It can cause you to have trouble, and it could also limit the ability of the mattress’s capacity to expand. It might be worth allowing your mattress to breathe for 24 hours without any sheets or weight.

Get Under Pressure

Walk on your bed if you’re willing to soften its surface. This works well with latex and memory foam surfaces.

You can crawl on your hands and knees if your mattress is innerspring or hybrid.

This is because springs can degrade more quickly if your body is extremely heavy.

You can stack piles upon piles of books if you have trouble walking on your bed.

Be Patient

If you aren’t happy with the feel of your new bed, don’t be discouraged.

You might have blistered your favorite pair of shoes the first time you wore them.

It may take up to sixty days for your mattress feel like home.

Because of the strength of these materials, the process may take longer.

It’s Time To Warm It Up

Memory foam will soften when heated and become more flexible.

If you are in a rush to get a new mattress in, keep your room slightly warmer than normal. This should make your bed feel more comfortable.

This tip is a compromise. Temperatures can disrupt your sleep.

It is best to use it in a room that is colder than the one you plan on heating.

You Can Always Sleep On It

It is possible to get frustrated and want to spend the night on the couch or in the guest room.

You might be able to remember that the breaking down process can be accelerated by consistent mattress use.

You will be able to enjoy your purchase much sooner.

Place It On The Right Foundation

Before you place your mattress on the base, make sure they are compatible. Also, ensure that your foundation isn’t sagging, broken, or worn out.

You may not need a new bed every night, but you might be in need of a replacement if your current bed is no longer suitable.

Follow Your Gut

If you are certain that this bed is not right for you, don’t suffer.

It is worth trying before you make a decision.

Give It The Whole Time

Before allowing return or exchange, most companies require customers to sleep on the mattress for several nights.

The mattress manufacturers know that it takes time for people to get used to sleeping on a new mattress.

They can limit the time that their buyers spend on their investment.

If they advise that you sleep on a brand new bed for 30 nights before asking for a return, then give their advice.

You don’t want to be locked in for four weeks or more of restlessness. Instead, search for a company that does not have this condition.

What Is The Average Time It Takes To Break-in?

It all depends on which type of bed you purchased.


Most innerspring models can be broken in fairly quickly.

The springs are made to fit your body weight. The pillow top is not too firm or too thick.

It is possible to find comfort the first night. However, it could take up to four weeks.

An important thing to keep in mind when using innerspring beds is the fact that they can be less durable than high-density memory Foam.

This is why it is important to rotate your mattress every three to 6 months.


The break-in times for latex foam can vary depending on the latex’s natural or artificial origin, as well as whether the bed is 100% latex foamed or hybrid.

Latex foam generally has a lot more air, which allows them to bake in faster.

You can expect to be comfortable with your fully broken-in latex bed in two to 14 days.

Memory Foam

Low-density memory Foam often feels like a cloud on the first night.

It can make you feel like you’re sinking in a hole after a few months.

It takes longer for higher-density foam beds to break in, but they will last you much longer.

The memory foam models with higher density will require a longer break-in period.

It may take up to 60 days for you to get used to a firm, dense foam mattress.

What If It Never Breaks In?

You Can Wait For It

You’re familiar with the expression « Never say Never ».

The bed should be broken in eventually, but that does not necessarily mean it is comfortable.

It is a good idea not to wait longer than the manufacturer requires.

If your mattress does not match the description, contact the company for an exchange or return.

Exchange It

Many companies offer multiple models.

You might be able to exchange what you have for something more firm or softer.

Return It

If there is no suitable model available from the manufacturer or merchant, you might have to return the mattress.

To initiate a return, make sure to keep your receipt.

During your trial, be sure to protect the item from any staining, soiling, or other damage.

Most warranties allow companies to reject claims if the product has been misused.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Make My Mattress Firmer?

Spend as much time as you can on it. This will make it go faster.

You can also lie down on the firm surface while you’re watching TV, studying, or working.

If you don’t like to spend too much time on the bed, you can stack it with books when your are not there.

Is It Okay To Walk On It?

This technique can be used to break in a new mattress, particularly for memory foam and latex surfaces.

To disperse weight and prevent excessive pressure from the springs or innersprings, crawl on your knees and use your hands to support them.

How To Tell If My New Mattress Is Too Firm?

The surface might be too hard if you feel pain in your hips, shoulders, arms or hips when you wake up. If your main complaint is low back pain, it could be a sign of too soft bedding.

Is It Normal For A Mattress To Cause Back Pain?

There may be some discomfort associated with a new mattress. However, if you feel back pain upon waking up, it could be a sign of something else.

A firmness level may not be compatible with your weight, sleeping position, or body type.

Another reason is that your lifestyle could lead to pain.Take a look at your sitting time, how much you are doing high-impact sports and how much you lounging. These factors could be the cause of your back pain.